The Journey Beautiful
Are we there yet?
While walking anywhere with my nine year old daughter, I've noticed something: I am not the most patient person on the planet. My daughter has this amazing gift of taking any trip (whether it be Target, the park, or even to the mailbox) and stretching it out to an excruciating length of time. Mom, look at this flower! Mom, look at the puppy! Mom, look at this cute shirt! Mom, look at this funny shaped orange! Mom! Mom!! MOM!!!
That's nice, honey. Now, come on, Mommy's in a hurry.
I missed the moment.
In this hurried, fast-paced journey called life, we are all rushing to destinations. We feel a sense of security in reaching a destination. A safe place. Not just in the literal sense, but more so in the figurative sense. I'll be happy when I'm married. I'll be happy when I get a nice house. I'll be happy when I have children. I'll be happy when I have a successful career. I'll be happy when my children are doing well for themselves. I'll be happy when I retire. I'll be happy when...
We tend to continuously be looking forward to the next destination. Running to catch that proverbial carrot dangled in front of our nose. Pushing time forward. Rushing from place to place. Never completely content with where we are. There's always something else, another achievement, another thing to get, another position to strive for. It seems that later though, we're apt to look back and say, "Where has the time gone?" We missed so many special moments in the push. When did my kids grow up? When did my parents get older? When did everything change around me?
Precious time is passing before our eyes and we are pressing too quickly into the next season to catch it. Wishing away some amazing moments because we want to be at the next destination in life. We are missing life as it passes right in front of us.
"Life is a journey, not a destination." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
I believe God moves in us most through the "in between destination" times. The "we're NOT there yet" moments. The "why am I still here, Lord?" seasons. The journey.
The journey is where we grow. While we walk this journey of life, we'll encounter valleys and mountains, deserts and lushness, rough terrain and smooth paths. I've found in my own life that it is during the rough spots that I have done the most growing. In between destinations. When you're in the forest and you can't see the destination through the trees; when you have to trust God is leading you—that's where God speaks. There's a wholly relying there. Your own wits, provision, direction or know-how is not enough—this is uncharted territory. You're going to need a compass, a GPS, a charter; a Shepherd you can trust to lead you. It's an exciting and terrifying place to be. But it's also a time for growth, change, insight and trust.
I sense God telling me, "Don't waste these moments." Don't wish them away in discontent or distract yourself with busyness and hurried, empty errands. God wastes nothing. He uses everything in our journey to better us for His purpose. Even the things we don't like. Even the mistakes we've made. Even the things that happened that weren't of Him...He can redeem it and use it for His glory. Walk through the discomfort of the unfinished (and sometimes unpleasant) season and ask God what you're supposed to be learning, doing, or changing in that season.
While walking anywhere with my nine year old daughter, I've noticed something: I am not the most patient person on the planet. My daughter has this amazing gift of taking any trip (whether it be Target, the park, or even to the mailbox) and stretching it out to an excruciating length of time. Mom, look at this flower! Mom, look at the puppy! Mom, look at this cute shirt! Mom, look at this funny shaped orange! Mom! Mom!! MOM!!!
That's nice, honey. Now, come on, Mommy's in a hurry.
I missed the moment.
In this hurried, fast-paced journey called life, we are all rushing to destinations. We feel a sense of security in reaching a destination. A safe place. Not just in the literal sense, but more so in the figurative sense. I'll be happy when I'm married. I'll be happy when I get a nice house. I'll be happy when I have children. I'll be happy when I have a successful career. I'll be happy when my children are doing well for themselves. I'll be happy when I retire. I'll be happy when...
We tend to continuously be looking forward to the next destination. Running to catch that proverbial carrot dangled in front of our nose. Pushing time forward. Rushing from place to place. Never completely content with where we are. There's always something else, another achievement, another thing to get, another position to strive for. It seems that later though, we're apt to look back and say, "Where has the time gone?" We missed so many special moments in the push. When did my kids grow up? When did my parents get older? When did everything change around me?
Precious time is passing before our eyes and we are pressing too quickly into the next season to catch it. Wishing away some amazing moments because we want to be at the next destination in life. We are missing life as it passes right in front of us.
"Life is a journey, not a destination." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
The journey is where we grow. While we walk this journey of life, we'll encounter valleys and mountains, deserts and lushness, rough terrain and smooth paths. I've found in my own life that it is during the rough spots that I have done the most growing. In between destinations. When you're in the forest and you can't see the destination through the trees; when you have to trust God is leading you—that's where God speaks. There's a wholly relying there. Your own wits, provision, direction or know-how is not enough—this is uncharted territory. You're going to need a compass, a GPS, a charter; a Shepherd you can trust to lead you. It's an exciting and terrifying place to be. But it's also a time for growth, change, insight and trust.
I sense God telling me, "Don't waste these moments." Don't wish them away in discontent or distract yourself with busyness and hurried, empty errands. God wastes nothing. He uses everything in our journey to better us for His purpose. Even the things we don't like. Even the mistakes we've made. Even the things that happened that weren't of Him...He can redeem it and use it for His glory. Walk through the discomfort of the unfinished (and sometimes unpleasant) season and ask God what you're supposed to be learning, doing, or changing in that season.
Be still and know.
He is God.
You are not.
And it's okay.
Enjoy the journey. Don't miss it. Slow down. Stop. Breathe. Look around you. Take time to wonder. Take time to day dream. (When is the last time you day dreamed?) Take time for imagination—that's where dreams start. (God has given us vivid imaginations. When we surrender our imaginations to Him, He will show us amazing things.) Take time to hear your Creator's still, small voice. Slow your pace so your soul can catch up. Notice the simple pleasures that surround you. Your child's giggle. A beautiful flower along your path. A fun day with your loved ones. Be thankful. Be aware. God is always moving, even when we feel we are standing still.
Life is a journey...and the journey is beautiful.
Enjoy the journey. Don't miss it. Slow down. Stop. Breathe. Look around you. Take time to wonder. Take time to day dream. (When is the last time you day dreamed?) Take time for imagination—that's where dreams start. (God has given us vivid imaginations. When we surrender our imaginations to Him, He will show us amazing things.) Take time to hear your Creator's still, small voice. Slow your pace so your soul can catch up. Notice the simple pleasures that surround you. Your child's giggle. A beautiful flower along your path. A fun day with your loved ones. Be thankful. Be aware. God is always moving, even when we feel we are standing still.
Life is a journey...and the journey is beautiful.