"So many things for 2015.
So many things that you're going to see.
2014 was a year of stepping out. 2015 will be a year of stepping IN.
Stepping into your place, stepping into My will.
You will see things come to pass you never thought possible.
Only by My hand will it be done.
Only by my Spirit will the battles be won.
You'll be in awe, you'll be astounded.
Those who watch you will be confounded.
Such a great work! So fast! So quick!
But you must get going—the clock loudly ticks.
Time is unraveling. Yes, time is of essence.
Time to be moving forward, full of My presence.
Deep calls to deep, it's time to get moving.
About the Father's business...there's no time left for proving.
The proving comes in the moving, while stepping into your place.
With each step comes the strength, with each step comes My grace.
This is a time of great urgency, a time to make haste.
There's no time to second guess yourself—there's no time to waste.
Be about My business, fully surrender to Me.
There's so much to do, I need you to see.
See the way that I see. Think the way that I do.
Get your mind set on Me, take your mind off of you.
I'll take care of you as you do as I say.
There's no need to worry about your day-to-day.
It's all in My hands. I'm holding you safe.
As you step into My high calling...I'll show you the way.
But you must keep stepping.
Some steps are in darkness as you walk through the night.
But you need to keep walking until you step into light.
Some steps feel shaky, unsteady, unsure.
You're never alone, I'm walking with you.
You see, I've already been there. I've already cleared the way.
I'm on the other side waiting. I've prepared all your days.
Each one with purpose. Each one filled with grace.
It won't always be easy...just follow my pace.
Bold and sure.
Let's walk, hand-in-hand into your future.
You have nothing to fear. I'm with you, each step.
Walk in my presence, experience My depth.
Just walk with Me.
Walk with Me.
Walk with Me in expectancy.
Walk with Me through 2015."