I Call Him Daddy
I call Him Daddy.
He smiled and said it would be okay.
It’s a name I never got to use as a child.
He smiled and said it would be okay.
It’s a name I never got to use as a child.
Now I get to use it especially just for Him.
He’s my Father.
I’m still getting to know Him, you know.
There’s so much to learn about Him.
So many places in His heart I have yet to visit.
And so we spend time together.
He’s my Father.
I’m still getting to know Him, you know.
There’s so much to learn about Him.
So many places in His heart I have yet to visit.
And so we spend time together.
Just He and I.
Enjoying each other’s presence.
He’s always patient with me and my wandering thoughts. He waits until I refocus on Him.
He’s so patient and kind.
He’s so patient and kind.
I talk about my dreams.
I tell Him how much I love Him and enjoy His presence.
I ask Him to make me more aware of His presence.
I ask Him to show me Who He Is.
He placed the stars in the sky—and He also placed me.
Right where I am today, at this specific place and time.
He knows how many grains of sand are on the ocean shore—and He knows how many hairs are on my head.
He is weaving and creating universes I don’t even know about or can even fathom.
And He created me.
He wove me together, intricately and wonderfully, in my mother’s womb.
He can create and make things come alive with His breath.
I tell Him how much I love Him and enjoy His presence.
I ask Him to make me more aware of His presence.
I ask Him to show me Who He Is.
He placed the stars in the sky—and He also placed me.
Right where I am today, at this specific place and time.
He knows how many grains of sand are on the ocean shore—and He knows how many hairs are on my head.
He is weaving and creating universes I don’t even know about or can even fathom.
And He created me.
He wove me together, intricately and wonderfully, in my mother’s womb.
He can create and make things come alive with His breath.
His Word going forth forms worlds.
And He breathes His breath—His very own Spirit—into me and puts His Word in my mouth.
And He breathes His breath—His very own Spirit—into me and puts His Word in my mouth.
He gives me authority to create my own worlds with my very own words.
He is my Father.
He is my Father.
He is good.
He is Love.
He is the King of Kings.
He is Lord of Lords.
The Creator of the universe.
The Beginning and End.
And I call Him Daddy.
He is Love.
He is the King of Kings.
He is Lord of Lords.
The Creator of the universe.
The Beginning and End.
And I call Him Daddy.