When You Feel Stuck Between Chapters of Your Story
Everyone has a story to tell. God designed us with a distinct purpose in mind; a story that is especially our own. Living out that story, well...that can be the difficult part—especially when you don't know your character or the part you play in your story. Every day we live is another page of our story, every season like a chapter. But sometimes we can lose our way or feel like our story is on hold. Life feels like we are in between chapters.
Every good story has chapters—some are nail biters, some are sad, some are scary, some are exciting and some are funny. Then there are chapters that are a little boring or difficult to read and we wonder why the author put those chapters into the book. Those boring or difficult chapters are usually the chapters devoted to character development. This is where we get to know the characters in the story. What kind of person are they? What makes them tick? These aren't the most riveting chapters of the book, but they are necessary for the reader to get an idea of who the character is. Every good story has chapters of character development—our story is no different.
Sometimes we find ourselves in the middle of these boring, difficult, or what we feel to be unnecessary, chapters of life. When life can be a little tedious, less glamorous or somewhat trying—those not-so-exciting moments of life that we don't post on social media. Days that nothing out of the ordinary happens or days that seem especially long and difficult. Days that try your patience or spread you thin.
When you feel yourself being stretched or pushed to your limit, this is a chance for your character to be developed.
When you feel yourself being stretched or pushed to your limit, this is a chance for your character to be developed.
Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way. (James 1:2-4 MSG)
Do you remember back in the "olden days" when cameras had film that had to be developed? When I was in junior high I took a photography class and we learned how to develop film. We would go into a dark room, project the image from the negative onto the photo paper and then soak the photo paper into various chemicals for certain amounts of time. The film needed to kept out of the light or it would be over exposed and come out light and washed out. It also needed to soak in those chemicals for a certain amount of time or it would be under developed and come out dark and fuzzy. Sometimes we need to soak longer so the "chemicals" in our life can bring out the best in us.
Some of us need some more time in the dark room to develop our "negatives" into beautiful images.
Some of us need some more time in the dark room to develop our "negatives" into beautiful images.
Every good story has a conflict. Why? Because conflict brings a opportunity for the character to rise up to the challenge. To be extra-ordinary. To become a better, stronger person. When we face conflict, we are being stretched. When we are stretched thin in areas, it is a chance for God to strengthen us in those thin spots. Think about it, when something is stretched thin, it becomes translucent. It is easier to see our flaws when we are translucent from being stretched. When things are stretched, it also creates tension. Life is a balance of living within tension. Think of a violin: too much tension and the strings will break, not enough tension and it would not produce a beautiful sound. A specific amount of tension is needed to make music. What would a drum sound like without tension? How would a bow and arrow work without tension? What would a story or a movie be without tension? How do we strengthen our muscles? Tension. When there is tension in our lives, we walk carefully, purposely, more attentively. When tension is in our lives, it is a chance to become stronger and make beautiful music of our lives...if we'll trust God to show up big.
I'm currently in a character building, tension filled, difficult chapter of life. It's exciting and terrifying all at the same time. I know there's an exciting chapter on the horizon...I'm just not there yet. In these character building chapters of life, it's easy to want to look back to previous chapters and long for those times when everything seemed perfect, simple, effortless—but I remind myself that there was a time of conflict to rise above before those chapters too. I recently had to step out into the unknown and leave behind things that were very precious to me, but instead of being sad or regretful and longing for things I once had (my house, my job, my friends I had to leave), God spoke to my heart and asked me to sow those beloved things into my future—into my next chapter. Instead of feeling like things were taken away or lost, I chose to willingly give them to Him. I choose to joyfully lay them at His feet like a sacrifice. Like a precious seed, I sow it to Him, knowing that in His goodness and faithfulness He will bring my dreams to come to pass. I give Him the very things that I am longing for: my hopes, my dreams, my future—knowing full well He is able to perform what He has promised.
So, if you're in the middle of a not-so-favorite chapter of your life, get ready. God is developing your character for the next big chapter. Do not wish this important time away. Notice what God is doing inside of you. What areas is He developing? Why? Let this chapter of your life have its perfect work, forging out a better, stronger, well equipped character, ready for whatever God throws your way. He already knows how the story goes and it's pretty amazing.
Your best chapters are yet to come.