Unforced Rhythms of Grace
I love feathers. I love the lightness and the softness of them. I love the delicate, intricate patterns God weaves into each and every little feather. It is truly amazing! So fine, so much detail in one, tiny little feather. That alone tells us something about our God...He cares about the tiniest of details. He is a perfect designer. The best. All the way down to the minuscule details that most won't even see.
But mostly, I love the potential that lies within a feather. The ability to fly. That little feather was engineered perfectly to enable a creature to fly. I read that each feather is different, has a specific function to help the bird fly. The feathers are not arranged haphazardly on the bird, but in distinct patterns. There are tail feathers, flight feathers, contour feathers....each one designed for a specific purpose. I've read something similar to that in the Bible once.
Anyone who knows me well knows that I love my morning walks. I take time to wander and to wonder (there's a distinct difference, but one usually leads to the other), to admire God's creation and to listen and pray. Taking time for my soul to catch up to my body...I read that on Emily P. Freeman's blog the other day and it resonated in me. We need time and room for our souls to breathe, to refresh, to renew, and to be restored. That is what my walks are to me...time for my soul to breathe and to connect with My Creator in His creation.
As I was walking the other day, something caught my eye; a feather, falling. The unique way it moved is what caught my eye. It wasn't a fast, hard descent. It wasn't jerky or flitting. It was smooth, gentle, and soft. It almost looked as if it were in an imaginary stream, gently floating to its destination. Falling gracefully.
Then I heard that familiar Voice in my spirit, "You need to walk through life like that feather."
It was so simple, yet so profound. I'm finding more and more in life that is how God speaks to us: simply, yet profoundly.
I need to be more like that feather. Trusting, gentle, soft, and resting in God's direction and provision as He takes me from one season of life to another. Not pulling, pushing, striving, dragging, manipulating or trying to make things happen, but trusting His flow, His timing.
Resting in Him.
I love this scripture in the Message Bible:
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11:28-30 MSG)
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. Learn to live freely and lightly. He shows us how to take a real rest. What does that mean? Real rest? To me it means trusting God in all things. Not worrying or stressing about things that are out of your control.
Trusting Him. Resting in His faithfulness.
Knowing that He will open doors when they need to be opened. He will direct my paths. He will provide for me in every season of life. He will go before me, behind me, under me, over me and work through me. Wherever He calls me, He will be there...already waiting. Even as He walks with me to get there...He is already there! It's a profound thought. He is walking ahead of me into my tomorrow and He is with me today and He redeems my yesterdays.
That is my God.
So what am I afraid of? New seasons of life? New changes? Float through them like a feather. Light and breezy, trusting God's plan and His timing.
But mostly, I love the potential that lies within a feather. The ability to fly. That little feather was engineered perfectly to enable a creature to fly. I read that each feather is different, has a specific function to help the bird fly. The feathers are not arranged haphazardly on the bird, but in distinct patterns. There are tail feathers, flight feathers, contour feathers....each one designed for a specific purpose. I've read something similar to that in the Bible once.
Anyone who knows me well knows that I love my morning walks. I take time to wander and to wonder (there's a distinct difference, but one usually leads to the other), to admire God's creation and to listen and pray. Taking time for my soul to catch up to my body...I read that on Emily P. Freeman's blog the other day and it resonated in me. We need time and room for our souls to breathe, to refresh, to renew, and to be restored. That is what my walks are to me...time for my soul to breathe and to connect with My Creator in His creation.
As I was walking the other day, something caught my eye; a feather, falling. The unique way it moved is what caught my eye. It wasn't a fast, hard descent. It wasn't jerky or flitting. It was smooth, gentle, and soft. It almost looked as if it were in an imaginary stream, gently floating to its destination. Falling gracefully.
Then I heard that familiar Voice in my spirit, "You need to walk through life like that feather."
It was so simple, yet so profound. I'm finding more and more in life that is how God speaks to us: simply, yet profoundly.
I need to be more like that feather. Trusting, gentle, soft, and resting in God's direction and provision as He takes me from one season of life to another. Not pulling, pushing, striving, dragging, manipulating or trying to make things happen, but trusting His flow, His timing.
Resting in Him.
I love this scripture in the Message Bible:
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11:28-30 MSG)
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. Learn to live freely and lightly. He shows us how to take a real rest. What does that mean? Real rest? To me it means trusting God in all things. Not worrying or stressing about things that are out of your control.
Trusting Him. Resting in His faithfulness.
Knowing that He will open doors when they need to be opened. He will direct my paths. He will provide for me in every season of life. He will go before me, behind me, under me, over me and work through me. Wherever He calls me, He will be there...already waiting. Even as He walks with me to get there...He is already there! It's a profound thought. He is walking ahead of me into my tomorrow and He is with me today and He redeems my yesterdays.
That is my God.
So what am I afraid of? New seasons of life? New changes? Float through them like a feather. Light and breezy, trusting God's plan and His timing.